Seadh, S., Abdel-Moneam, M., Ibrahim, M., Ali, I. (2025). Effect of Different Planting Dates on the Productivity and Quality of Sugar Beet and its Relationship to Nitrogen Fertilization Levels. Journal of Plant Production, 16(1), 1-5. doi: 10.21608/jpp.2025.346498.1423
S. E. Seadh; M. A. Abdel-Moneam; M. E. M. Ibrahim; I. K. E. M. Ali. "Effect of Different Planting Dates on the Productivity and Quality of Sugar Beet and its Relationship to Nitrogen Fertilization Levels". Journal of Plant Production, 16, 1, 2025, 1-5. doi: 10.21608/jpp.2025.346498.1423
Seadh, S., Abdel-Moneam, M., Ibrahim, M., Ali, I. (2025). 'Effect of Different Planting Dates on the Productivity and Quality of Sugar Beet and its Relationship to Nitrogen Fertilization Levels', Journal of Plant Production, 16(1), pp. 1-5. doi: 10.21608/jpp.2025.346498.1423
Seadh, S., Abdel-Moneam, M., Ibrahim, M., Ali, I. Effect of Different Planting Dates on the Productivity and Quality of Sugar Beet and its Relationship to Nitrogen Fertilization Levels. Journal of Plant Production, 2025; 16(1): 1-5. doi: 10.21608/jpp.2025.346498.1423
Effect of Different Planting Dates on the Productivity and Quality of Sugar Beet and its Relationship to Nitrogen Fertilization Levels
1Agronomy Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University, Egypt.
2Agricultural Treatment Research Department, Sugar Crops Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Giza, Egypt.
A study was carried out in the Dakahlia Governorate of Egypt's Kafr Allam Village, Miniat El-Nasr District, during the 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 seasons to evaluate the effect of nitrogen fertilizer rates (50, 75, and 100 kg N/fed) on productivity and quality of sugar beet grown under different planting dates (1st September 1st October, and 1st November). With three replications, the field experiment was conducted using a randomized full-blocks design using a split-plot method. (RCBD). Three planting dates were assigned to the main plots, while the subplots were allocated three nitrogen fertilizer amounts. Regarding the diameter and length of the roots, the percentages of K, Na, alpha-amino nitrogen, sucrose, and quality, When sugar beet was seeded on October 1st, the greatest values were recorded. Each feddan's root, top, and sugar yields were optimized, while the root-to-top ratios were the lowest in both seasons. In both seasons, the highest possible values of root and leaf fresh weights/plant, root length and diameter, K, Na, and Alfa-amino nitrogen percentages, as well as root and top yields/fed, were achieved at a nitrogen fertilizer amount of 100 kg N/fed. The lowest values of root/top ratio, sucrose, and quality, and sugar yield/fed. To reduce nitrogen fertilizer levels and environmental pollution with nitrite while maintaining the highest yield components, root quality parameters, and root, top, and sugar yields/fed, it may be recommended to plant sugar beets on October 1st and fertilize with 75 kg N/fed under the ecological circumstances.