Abd EI-Rahim,, A., Fathy, E., Ghobary, H., EI-Said, E. (2002). EFFECT OF INTERCROPPING SYSTEMS AND NITROGEN LEVELS ON CERTAIN CHARACTERS OF SNAP BEAN AND PEPPER. II. EFFECT ON YIELD AND YIELD COMPONENTS. Journal of Plant Production, 27(6), 4023-4071. doi: 10.21608/jpp.2002.254913
Aida M. Abd EI-Rahim,; EI-Sa. L. Fathy; H. M. M. Ghobary; EI-Sa. M. EI-Said. "EFFECT OF INTERCROPPING SYSTEMS AND NITROGEN LEVELS ON CERTAIN CHARACTERS OF SNAP BEAN AND PEPPER. II. EFFECT ON YIELD AND YIELD COMPONENTS". Journal of Plant Production, 27, 6, 2002, 4023-4071. doi: 10.21608/jpp.2002.254913
Abd EI-Rahim,, A., Fathy, E., Ghobary, H., EI-Said, E. (2002). 'EFFECT OF INTERCROPPING SYSTEMS AND NITROGEN LEVELS ON CERTAIN CHARACTERS OF SNAP BEAN AND PEPPER. II. EFFECT ON YIELD AND YIELD COMPONENTS', Journal of Plant Production, 27(6), pp. 4023-4071. doi: 10.21608/jpp.2002.254913
Abd EI-Rahim,, A., Fathy, E., Ghobary, H., EI-Said, E. EFFECT OF INTERCROPPING SYSTEMS AND NITROGEN LEVELS ON CERTAIN CHARACTERS OF SNAP BEAN AND PEPPER. II. EFFECT ON YIELD AND YIELD COMPONENTS. Journal of Plant Production, 2002; 27(6): 4023-4071. doi: 10.21608/jpp.2002.254913
Veget. Res. Dept., Agric. Res. Centre, Cairo, Egypt.
This research was carried out to study the effect of some intercropping systems (snap bean intercropped with pepper) and different nitrogen levels on yield and yield components of two crops. The obtained results revealed that the ISs intercropping system (planting pepper on top of the ridge and snap bean between pepper plants on top of the ridge) produced the highest yield of pepper in both seasons and produced high yield of snap bean compared with solid crops (ISo). The ISs also produced the highest fruit length and fruit diameter of pepper in both seasons, while the IS4 system (Planting pepper on one side of the ridge and snap bean on the two sides of the ridge with leaving one row for hoeing, 20 cm in width) produced the highest pod length and the highest pod weight of snap bean in both
seasons. _
With respect to the effect of nitrogen level applied, total yield in both crops, pod length and pod width of snap bean were not significant affected by the addition of nitrogen up to the level of 100 kg N/fed in both seasons.
Plants of both studied crops grown under the combination between ISo (so!id crops) and IS, (planting pepper on one side of the ridge with spacing of 30 cm between plants and one snap bean hill between every two pepper plants) intercropping systems and received 100 kg N/fed produced the highest total yield of both crops in both seasons. The highest record of pepper fruit length and fruit diameter was obtained from ISs intercropping system with zero nitrogen level, while the highest record of snap bean pod length was obtained from IS4 intercropping system with 50 Kg N level. The highest record for snap bean pod weight resulted by 50 kg N/fed under IS4 system in both seasons.