Abdel-Kader,, H., Abdalla, M. (2003). EFFECTS OF MEFlUIDIDE AND PAClOBUTRAZOl ON GROWTH AND QUALITY OF "TIFWAY" BERMUDAGRASS PLANTS. Journal of Plant Production, 28(12), 8307-8321. doi: 10.21608/jpp.2003.246337
H. H. Abdel-Kader,; M. Y. A. Abdalla. "EFFECTS OF MEFlUIDIDE AND PAClOBUTRAZOl ON GROWTH AND QUALITY OF "TIFWAY" BERMUDAGRASS PLANTS". Journal of Plant Production, 28, 12, 2003, 8307-8321. doi: 10.21608/jpp.2003.246337
Abdel-Kader,, H., Abdalla, M. (2003). 'EFFECTS OF MEFlUIDIDE AND PAClOBUTRAZOl ON GROWTH AND QUALITY OF "TIFWAY" BERMUDAGRASS PLANTS', Journal of Plant Production, 28(12), pp. 8307-8321. doi: 10.21608/jpp.2003.246337
Abdel-Kader,, H., Abdalla, M. EFFECTS OF MEFlUIDIDE AND PAClOBUTRAZOl ON GROWTH AND QUALITY OF "TIFWAY" BERMUDAGRASS PLANTS. Journal of Plant Production, 2003; 28(12): 8307-8321. doi: 10.21608/jpp.2003.246337
Veget. and Flor. Dept., Fae. of Agrie" Mansoura Univ.
'TIfway" hybrid bermudagrass ( Cynodon Iransvaalensis Burtt-Davy x C. dacty/on ( L.) Per5. ) is a popular turigrass used in Egypt on a large scare. 'MIen this grass is managed as a medium- to high· quality turf, frequent mowings are needed to limit vegetative growth and seedhead emergence. Plant growth retardants offer Ihe potential to reduce the number or mowings needed by turigtasses and accordingly reduce the cost of turf maintenance. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted during spring of Ihe two successive seasons of 2002 and 2003 to Sludy the effects' of two different growth retardants on growth and quality of "Tifway' bermudagTss under the Egyptian conditions. Threa weeks after planting rhe turf plugs, the ueated grasses received once alther melluid(de at a rale of,4 mglblock (1x'm), paclobutrazol at a rate of '10 mglblock, or mefluidide plus paclobutrazol at the previously mentioned rates. Each treated block was sprayed individually with 5 fiters distilled water containing the designated amount of growth retardants using a 5 liter semi'automated hand sprinkler, Control blocks (untreated grasses) were sprayed with distilled water only.
Measurements on grass height, coverage percentage, clipping welghl, quality and color of the tungrass were conduC\ed al the end of 3, 6 and 9 weeks alter application with the plant growth retardants in addition to shoot and root weight atl,he end of experiment to determine Ihe effects of mefluidide and paclobutrazot on grOWth and quality of the used tungrass.
The obtained results Showed that three weeks after apprtcation, mefluidjde alone provided fast suppressive effects on grass height and shool growth, but reduced quality. color, and the coverage percentage. Paclobutrazol alone, on the othat hand was more efteclhle Ihan mefluIdlde In suppressing height and reducing clipping dry weight with little effect on grass quality, color, and coverage percentage after six wee\(s from application. Menuidide plus paclobutrazoi treatment gave fast and best suppressive effect on grass height and shoot growth thrcugh01Jt the experiment. This treatment reduced quality and color or 'Tlfway' bermudagrss dU~lng the first three weeks after application, but grasses recovered their quality and color six weeks after application until the end of the experiment. The results also showed t at the effects of bOth grC'l'o't1h retaroants were minimIzed after nine weeks 01 applicatlbn. At the end of experiment, mellu;dide alone produced the highest shoot and root dry weights and the highest rooVshoot ratio among the three growth retardant tteOltments.
These resutts were obtained (rom using a singte application, and Mure experiments are needed to study the effect of these growth retardants using multi Ie applications on a well established turfgrass slar.d.