Emara,, M., Abo Hagar, A., EI Deeb, A., Hamza, A. (2003). DETECTION OF AFLATOXINS ASSOCIATED WITH Aspergillus spp IN SOME PEANUT GROWING AREAS IN EGYPT. Journal of Plant Production, 28(12), 8063-8072. doi: 10.21608/jpp.2003.246333
M. F. Emara,; A. A. Abo Hagar; A. A. EI Deeb; Akila S. Hamza. "DETECTION OF AFLATOXINS ASSOCIATED WITH Aspergillus spp IN SOME PEANUT GROWING AREAS IN EGYPT". Journal of Plant Production, 28, 12, 2003, 8063-8072. doi: 10.21608/jpp.2003.246333
Emara,, M., Abo Hagar, A., EI Deeb, A., Hamza, A. (2003). 'DETECTION OF AFLATOXINS ASSOCIATED WITH Aspergillus spp IN SOME PEANUT GROWING AREAS IN EGYPT', Journal of Plant Production, 28(12), pp. 8063-8072. doi: 10.21608/jpp.2003.246333
Emara,, M., Abo Hagar, A., EI Deeb, A., Hamza, A. DETECTION OF AFLATOXINS ASSOCIATED WITH Aspergillus spp IN SOME PEANUT GROWING AREAS IN EGYPT. Journal of Plant Production, 2003; 28(12): 8063-8072. doi: 10.21608/jpp.2003.246333
Peanut seed samples collected from different localities in Ismailia a d EI- SharKi8 governorate in Ihe two seasons. 1999 and 2000 showed that the percentages of contamination with aflatoxin were 17% and 11.4% in the lsrnailia governorate, while Ihe percentages In EI-Sharkia governorate were 18.4% and 4% in 1999~2000 seasons.
The highest percentages of seed contaminated with the yellow mold we,e obtained from peanut samples presenting Ismallla (wesl Kantara locality) followed by EI-ShClrkia gOllernorate (Belbles locality). 68.3%&48.5%in 1999 season. Seed presenting Ihe 2000 season which Aeou- Hamaad (EI. Sharkia) and Faied (tsmailia) localities recorded the mold aI43.6% and 37.3% respectively. The COll)mon \so\a~ed pathogenic fungi from seeds in \he governorate was Aspergillus navus followed by A. paras/ficus, while A. ochraceus was the lowest In this respect. The highest rate of A. flavus frequency was showed in peanut seeds collected from ismama followed by EI· Sharkla gOllemorate In the first season. while the opposite results were obtained in the second season. Also. the frequency in A. navus presence was higher in the seeds than obtained in the peanut sheUs of samples collected from the gOllernorate in the two seasons.
The highest percentage and frequencies of A. flavus and A. parasiticus were recorded in peanut samples contaminated with high level of ana toxins. Also. all contaminant samples wilh aflatoxins were found infected wilh A. flavus andior A. parasilicus. Data obtained here indicated that East Kantara and EI-korain in Ismailia and EI·Sharilia governorate. respectlvely, were free from contamination with aflatoxins in the two successive seasons of the investigation